Friday, January 1, 2010

Just one more thing....

What a blessed Christmas we had! It was just the right mix of harried and restful; chaotic and peaceful. And I think it was all because I was decorated by Thanksgiving with gifts bought and wrapped a week later. (OK, hate me.) We did the baking thing (too much of it), had friends over for dinner several times, attended parties, saw several local church Christmas pageants, enjoyed driving around to see all the lights, had several game nights with just the four of us, and I have to say, I'm so sad to see December go.

But before 2009 becomes too distant in the rearview mirror, I wanted to share a couple of snapshots of our son who played Joseph in the Creation Museum's "Bethlehem's Blessings" live nativity. The night our family went was cold and snowy....and yes, beautiful!

This is him in character.

And this is him AFTERwards laughing at his silly mother taking pictures! (Pulleeze, do they ever get too old??)

So, farewell, 2009; hello 2010. Thank you, God, for your blessings, and for being our guide and our strength for each day. And as we step into a new year, we trust you with all our tomorrows.

"Fear not tomorrow, for God is already there!"


Tracy said...

I loved reading about your December...what wonderful moments and what awesome memories to close out the 2009. Blessings to you for 2010, my friend! I'm so with you on the decorating early thing. It makes December sooooo much more relaxed and enjoyable. (So happy you won the drawing!)

Jennifer said...

Popping over from Tracy's blog - congrats on having your name drawn. A winner on New Year's Day!! And, no, they are NEVER too old to take photos...and post on your blog with pride:) The snow was beautiful.